WOO HOO -- Brettman on board!

How kool is that -- Brettman will be posting on the blog too! Seems like these days most people know who I am, but just in cast any of you don't know Brettman -- here's a few tidbits:
  • He's a Feger Fan -- guess ya knew that, otherwise he wouldn't be posting on our blog :)
  • He's known Jason and Austin pretty much since they were wee, little tots, guess since they were babies.
  • Loves RACING and has a lovely bride who equally loves the races.
  • Brett's darn articulate and from my perspective, much witter than I will ever be.
  • He's a connoisseur of music and underground type bands.
  • and a proud owner of a classic camaro he's customizing.
So, if you're around after the races, stop by the pits, say hi to all of us. If ya don't know Brettman, let us know and we'll introduce you. He usually treks to most of the tracks.

Thank you, Thank you to Brettman for helping with the blog!!

-- Tracy Feger