Weekend "ON TAP"

Tri- City to kick off the weekend.
Looks like Jason and the daredevils will be heading south to kick off the weekend's racing at Tri- City Speedway in Pontoon Beach, IL Thursday for a $2000 to win UMP special. The team will stay at Tri- City for the $2000 to win Monster Midwest show on Friday as well.

Saturday's plans are yet undecided as both Tri- City and Peoria have UMP specials. As soon as a decision is made, we'll get it updated on here.

All events at Tri-City Speedway have been cancelled for the upcoming weekend due to rain/impending rain.


Team Feger is headed to Kankakee Motor Speedway for the Friday night show.
Saturday's plan is to be in Peoria Il. for the $6000 to win, 100 lap "State Championship" race. According to officials at Peoria Speedway, if the show is rained out on Saturday the event will be ran on Sunday. Racing is early starting at 5pm.

"Clawhammer" update.
The new car is very close to completion with plans of having it in the box this weekend. The game plan is to stick with "Split Lip" for now (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) but the new car will be there...just in case.
I gotta tell you that along with Bob Pierce, Feger Bros. Racing does build a nice race car.

Hopefully the rain will stay away and Team Feger can do some 'damage' this go 'round.
Oh wait a minute, I was told not to say anything that might jinx the guys this weekend...

Hope you suck!

See you all down by the river.